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Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Student Project at RISO -Denmark

PrintDevelopment of an input model to the Monte Carlo program MCNP-5 for port plug no. 12 of the ITER fusion machine (NUK-3)
Calculation of neutron and gamma fluxes for the Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) Diagnostics system for ITER by means of Monte Carlo technique

The aim of the project is to perform calculations of neutron and gamma fluxes for the Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic system planned for ITER

Calculation of neutron and gamma fluxes for the Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) Diagnostics system for ITER with emphasis of parts of the system positioned in port plug #12.

The project will contribute towards developing neutron calculation capabilities for the ITER fusion environment. Calculations of neutron and gamma fluxes for ITER are performed with the MCNP Monte Carlo code. The project aims at performing calculations of neutron and gamma fluxes for the Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic system planned for ITER.

Last year a student developed a simplified 40 degree geometric input model to MCNP-5 of parts of the ITER-machine including both inboard and outboard components. This model was benchmarked against a 20 degrees reference model called ITER FEAT with success.

The new work involves setting up more details in the geometric input model of especially port plug #12, where main parts of the Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) Diagnostics system for ITER being developed at Risø DTU is positioned. However, other equipment is also present at the Port plug and need to be included in the input model. Design data is available from the CAD/CAM program CATIA. The project will be made in collaboration with the plasma group at Risø DTU.

The Monte Carlo program MCNP-5 is available in a multiprocessor version at the Mary Linux cluster at Risø DTU comprising 240 CPU units. This gives sufficient possibilities for making parametric studies with the input model of the neutron and gamma flux in the port plug. E.g. different material compositions, different dimensions and so on and so forth.

Physics students with interest for Monte Carlo technique

Project form
Term project

Physics Engineering

3 – 4 months

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