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Monday, 8 September 2008

Deutsche Messe presents three high-profile trade fairs in Shanghai

Shanghai/Hannover. China is the world's fourth largest economy, the third largest trading nation - and has amassed the world's largest foreign currency reserves in excess of one trillion euros. Taking place at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 4 to 8 November 2008, the "Energy Show" (ES), the "Industrial Automation Show" (IAS) and the "Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show" (MWCS) will be a magnet for exhibiting firms, decision-makers, buyers and industry professionals in the fields of metalworking, machine tools, automation and energy technology. Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show" centres on sheet-metal working and laser systems
"Industrial Automation Show" features industrial robots and wireless technology
"Energy Show" highlights state-of-the-art energy technology

More than 100,000 visitors expected

More than 1,100 exhibitors will showcase their products and solutions on a total display area of 75,000 square metres.

"China is the prime mover behind the rapid economic growth in Asia - and an attractive trade fair location," explains Dr. Andreas Gruchow, the Board Member responsible for the international activities of Deutsche Messe AG. "Our decision to stage this high-quality trio of trade shows for the Asian Pacific region has certainly paid dividends. In 2007 we welcomed 94,700 visitors from 65 countries over the five days. This year we're expecting more than 100,000 visitors."

China ranks as the world's No. 1 purchaser and consumer of machine tools

The eastern part of China has become the centre of the country's machine tool industry. According to the German Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (VDW) and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), China accounted for 21 percent of total worldwide machine tool purchases in 2007. Compared with the previous year, purchases rose by eight percent to €10.9 billion, making China the world's No. 1 buyer of machine tools by a significant margin. China imports 68 percent of its total machine tool needs. Germany was the third largest supplier, behind Japan and Taiwan. At this year's "Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show" (MWCS) the spotlight will be on machining technology - in particular, laser cutting, welding and lettering systems. In China alone the market for laser cutting systems is estimated at €15 - 20 million per year.

Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show: new conference on laser-based cutting and forming

500 exhibitors are expected at this year's MWCS - the international trade fair for machine tools, metalworking, moulds and tooling. They will occupy 40,000 square metres of display space. The line-up will include 20 Italian companies, whose presentation is being sponsored by the European Association of Machine Tool Merchants (EAMTM) and the Italian machine tool federation UCIMU. Japan will also be strongly represented - by major players such as AMADA, Mitsubishi and Ryosho. Germany will be mounting a 1,000 square metre display (the largest national presentation at MWCS) featuring big names such as Balluff, Chiron, Gühring, Hermle, Junker, Schütte, STAMA and Trumpf. Day three of MWCS will see the premiere of a new conference on laser-based cutting and forming.

Industrial robots at the Industrial Automation Show: demand in China rising at 30 percent a year

Industrial robots are in high demand in the People's Republic. Together with India, China boasts the highest growth rates for this sector in the entire Asian region. A survey by the United Nations Economic Commission revealed that approx. 65,000 new robot units will be installed in Asia during 2008, an increase of ten percent on the figure for 2007. According to China's current (10th) Five Year Plan, demand for industrial robots is scheduled to rise by 30 percent per annum. The "Industrial Automation Show" (IAS) - the international trade fair for production and process automation, electrical systems, robots, industrial automation software & IT and microsystems technology - will feature acknowledged international market leaders such as ABB, DEPRAG, Funac, KAWASAKI, Motoman and Staubli. SUS Corporation has already announced that it will be staging an extensive presentation of robot and automation technology at IAS 2008. In parallel with IAS the German Engineering Federation VDMA will hold the "International Robotics and Automation Symposium (2008 IRAS)".

Wireless communication in ever-greater demand in industrial applications

Industrial wireless technology will also figure prominently at IAS 2008. Currently worth around €1 billion worldwide, this market is forecast to grow by 15 percent per annum in the coming years. One of the many highlights at IAS will be the "Industrial Wireless Technology Forum", where product developers, providers of services/solutions and leading scientific institutes will get together to swap ideas and information. The 400 exhibitors will occupy around 25,000 square metres of floor space. The line-up will include leading automation specialists such as EtherCAT, Fuji Electric, RITTAL, PEPPERL+FUCHS, SICK, SIEMENS, TURCK, WAGO, Weidmüller and Wenglor.

Unprecedented demand for clean and efficient energy - the latest solutions will be on display at the Energy Show

A country with a huge population and a booming economy obviously requires an enormous input of energy. China now ranks as the world's second largest energy consumer, second largest energy producer - and second largest emitter of carbon dioxide. Hence energy efficiency and security of supply are high up on the domestic political agenda - especially as demand for energy will continue to rise in the wake of China's burgeoning economic growth. New energy saving regulations have been enacted aimed at reducing the country's dependence on fossil fuels and fostering a shift towards renewable energy sources. To this end China is planning a number of large-scale wind energy projects and is committed to becoming the world's largest wind power producer within the next few years. Wind generating capacities are planned to increase 100-fold (to more than 600 gigawatts) by the year 2050.

Special platform for low-voltage devices

The "Energy Show" (ES) is the only event of its kind in China that covers all the sectors of the energy industry, i.e. transmission, distribution, conversion and storage. Wind power systems will figure prominently in 2008 - as will the latest low-voltage devices. The list of exhibitors includes such well-known names as ABB, Changshu Switchgear Mfg, Dongyuan, Electromechanical and SIEMENS. A further "hot topic" will be power plant technology. China's 11th Five Year Plan has earmarked funds amounting to trillions of euros in order to increase total generating capacity to 800 million kilowatts. Electric energy technology will occupy centre stage at ES 2008. In this context the 4th "Forum on Power Distribution Intelligence" will focus on network digitization, systems integration for electric power applications and emission control systems. This event provides a central meeting place for leading members of the scientific community, business leaders and energy professionals. ES 2008 is expected to attract 150 exhibitors, who will occupy 6,000 square metres of display space.

MWCS, IAS and ES are organized by Deutsche Messe Hannover, Hannover Fairs China and the Shanghai Expo Group, which also stage the following trade fairs: KTES - Key Technology & Equipment Show, ITES - Information Technology Equipment Show, EPTES - Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Show, and STIS - Scientific & Technology Innovation Show.

Thanks: Anand

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