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Tuesday, 10 February 2009

PhD Summer School: Remote sensing for wind energy(8-12 June 09)

Program for PhD Summer School: Remote sensing for wind energy. This 5-day school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, data analysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments covering LIDAR, SAR, ceilometers, micro profiling and SODAR among others both ground- and satellite-based instruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, power curve, wind loads and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects on scattering and atmospheric boundary layer characteristics relevant in remote sensing for wind energy will be covered. Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations will be discussed. Lectures Alfredo Peña, Risø DTU, Denmark Charlotte Bay Hasager, Risø DTU, Denmark (chair) David Schlipf, University of Stuttgart, Germany Ferhat Bingöl, Risø DTU, Denmark Henning Skriver, DTU Space, Denmark Jakob Mann, Risø DTU, Denmark Jean-Pierre Cariou, Leosphere, France Merete Badger, Risø DTU, Denmark Michael Courtney, Risø DTU, Denmark Michael Harris, QinetiQ Malvern, UK Petter Lindelöw, Risø DTU, Denmark Rebecca Barthelmie, Risø DTU, Denmark Rozenn Wagner, Risø DTU, Denmark Søren Larsen, Risø DTU, Denmark Stefan Emeis, Karlsruhe KFZ, Germany Stefania Argentini, CNR-ISAC, Italy Stuart Bradley, University of Auckland, New Zealand Torben Mikkelsen, Risø DTU, Denmark We plan hands-on exercises. Please bring laptop pc if possible. Credits for the course is 3 ECTS. For participants: Cost 200 euro per ph.d. student 1500 euro per non-ph.d.student Deadline for registration for ph.d. students: 15. April 2009 Deadline for registration for non-ph.d.students: 15. April 2009 Please note, that we reserve a certain amount of seats for ph.d.students up to 15. April 2009. The registration fee covers participation in the workshop, course material and listing of recommended reading, lunches and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday, as well as the icebreaker reception on Monday and dinner event Tuesday. Registration DOES NOT include the hotel booking. For further details: Email:

Dates: from 08 June 2009 09:00 to 12 June 2009 17:00
Location: Risø DTU, HH Koch Auditorium, Risø DTU
Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

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